Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Skyland Post # 8:Main Characters

Main characters


(voiced by Tim Hamaguchi, performed by Julien Girbig) - Age 17. Mahad is full of life, a show off, likable, charming, full of himself, adventuresome, a young Han Solo. When he was younger, he was always unhappy because he didn't have a father and his mother was a lot like Lena. In pilot school, he always got detention due to making extreme moves on the simulator. Though not a Seijin, his goal is to free his mother. Until that time, he will slug it out with the Sphere because he's a good guy and can vent his frustration in this way. Though young, Mahad is unequalled as a pilot of his father's ship the Hyperion and after him, he is the best pilot in all of Skyland.Though she always insists shes "to old for him" Mahad keeps trying to convince Dahlia he's the guy for her. He has enormous, often misplaced self-confidence. His weapon of choice is his boomerang. He's not good with range weapons. (He is the second Nicktoons Network / Nickelodeon character to sport a boomerang, next to Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He's also similar to Sokka because while his younger sister is a Seijin, he is not, just like Sokka not being a Waterbender while his younger sister Katara is.)


(voiced by Phoebe McAuley, performed by Christelle Ouvrard) - Age 12. Intelligent, reasonable, calm but determined, impetuous. When someone she loves in is danger, Lena is a very mature, and formidable, 12-year old girl. She alternates between carefree playing and grim determination. Adventure isn't an end in itself, only a necessary step along the way. Lena is a powerful seijein, believed by Oslo to be the Lady of Light from the prophecy. She has the powers of telekinessis and telepathy, as well as other abilities such as powering energy and creating energy bolts and balls, projecting memories, and even levitating and sensing the presence of things and people. She can even levitate herself to great heights, as seen during a aerial battle with Diwan in the episode Heart of the Arena. She is beginning to control her telekinessis, but it tires her quickly. She has still very little control over her telepathy.

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